Benjamin Franklin says that Wine is proof that god loves us and loves to see us happy. Martin Luther said that beer is made by men, but wine is made by god. Indeed, throughout the often harsh and sometimes horrific history of humanity, the great libation’s calming qualities has been consider a gift from the divine.

Aside from the 10-15% of alcohol it contains, wine is also one of natures best sources of a plant chemical called Resveratrol, revered for its anti-stress properties. Technically called a polyphenol, Resveratrol is found in “reds”, especially the ones derived from thick skinned grapes, the ones called malbecs and pinot noirs. According to researchers from the University of Buffalo, Resveratrol works by blocking the production of anxiety producing brain chemicals.

That’s not all the fabulous phytochemical can do. It has also been shown to prolong lifespan by boosting activity of the mitochondria, the cells energy supplier. It’s also protective against age related diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Resveratrol has cardiovascular benefits too. Scientists credit it as the source of the famous “French Paradox”, where the observation that, despite their high intake of butter, cheese, other saturated fats and cholesterol, the French have historically had far lower death rates associated with heart diseases than Americans.

Keep in mind, consuming too much can have serious consequences, but when enjoyed in moderation, wine can be a tasty and pleasurable part of a low stress heart happy long healthy life.