Among many other sources, these free radicals produce what is called oxidative stress, which is an electronic disruption of the building blocks of biological tissues and biochemicals, ultimately resulting in breakdown, aging and degenerative disease. Because the stress produced by oxidants is a normal part of life, organisms have evolved a wide range of defensive AO’s as a protective mechanism.

There are many thousands of antioxidants found in the natural world and their ingestion by humans has been linked to extended lifespan, decreased blood sugar, better immunity and a general improvement in the markers of good health. The potency of a given antioxidant is related to its ability to absorb free radicals and is referred to as its “oxygen radical absorbance capacity” or ORAC.

The higher the ORAC value the better the antioxidant. Health professionals suggest that enjoying three thousand to five thousand ORAC units a day can have a significant positive effect on health and wellness. Fruits, veggies and nuts are packed with AO’s, but by far the most powerful ORAC’s are found in spices. Clove and cinnamon are especially high, likewise oregano and turmeric, all delivering over 10,000 ORAC points per teaspoonful