Life is electrical. All living beings exist – like a battery – by virtue of positive and negative charges. Cells have a net negative charge, which is the result of lots of pieces of electricity, called electrons. In general these electrons can be thought of as energizing and detoxifying. Our wellness depends on our ability to conduct this energy. The healthful effect can be appreciated in various ways, including enjoying sunshine, the beach and forests, which are all rich in salubrious electrons or electronic energy.

The most important sources of these pieces of electricity (i.e. electrons) is what we eat. Quality foods have quality electrons… lots of them. Cooking and processing disperses electronic energy. The fact that the average American gets over 80 percent of their calories from electron deficient food is a major reason for our collective poor health.

Eating fresh foods, fruits and veggies and raw dairy is a great way to get electrons into our bodies. Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acid molecules, found in eggs, fish, avocados, grains and seeds, especially flax and Chia, are surrounded with what is known as an electron cloud . They are particularly packed with cleansing and detoxifying electrons i.e. negative charges.