One of those toxic chemicals our bodies have to deal with on a daily basis is fluoride, both from municipal water supplies and toothpaste. Fluoride accumulates in the body and chronic exposure to this powerful element, which is the most electrically disruptive atom on the periodic table, is associated with chronic fatigue, headaches, reduced IQ, UTIs, anxiety, depression and digestive disorders, among other symptoms.

To minimize your exposure to fluoride, you can drink bottle or filtered water, you can use a home Fluoride filter water pitcher, readily available on the internet, and you can even get a fluoride filter for your shower, as well. If you use fluoridated toothpaste, make sure you’re using fluoride detoxification supplements, especially vitamin C, selenium and sulfur.

Try mixing your toothpaste 50/50 with non-fluoridated toothpaste. No it’s toxic, but no one knows exactly how much fluoride you need for strong teeth. So, erring on the side of prudence and halving your dose is probably not a bad idea.

You can also use tarren and toothpaste extracts of this culinary fruit have been shown to help prevent fluoride uptake, deposition in the bone and in the Pineal gland.