They’re called FODMAPs. The funny name is an acronym that refers to Fermentable Sugars that are not necessarily sweet, but have been linked to various health issues. While FODMAPs are resistant to digestion, they can be fermented by gut bacteria that used them for fuel, releasing hydrogen gas, which can result in flatulence, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, as well as constipation. They can also lead to skin problems, like rashes, redness, sensitivities and acne like lesions. Some patients can experience anxiety and depression.

When ingesting FODMAP sugars, patients dealing with IBS or ulcerative colitis are especially likely to experience symptoms. FODMAPs are mostly found in fruits, veggies and grains, although there’s also some in beans, mushrooms and dairy products. Spices and natural flavors can be FODMAP rich. So can herbal teas, high fructose corn syrup and honey. Diabetic friendly sweeteners, like xylitol and sorbitol, can also trigger FODMAPs reactions.

The best way to prevent FODMAP-related health challenges is to avoid eating the foods that contain them. There’s also digestive enzyme supplements that are formulated to break down FODMAP sugars. Sometimes boiling your foods or using a pressure cooker can help the fermentable sugars. The FODMAP sugars will dissolve and be released into your water, and you may find that you’re able to enjoy FODMAPs foods without experiencing the unpleasant symptoms.