Plants produce lots of powerful molecules, many of which are important for human health and longevity. Carotenoids (like astaxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene) are important for the skin and the eyes. Flavonoids play a role in the functioning of the heart and the brain. Glucosinolates support the liver and detoxification of hormones drugs and other poisons.

But, of all the classes of phytonutrients, none are more important than the phyto-steroids. These are similar to yuma cholesterol, which can help lower blood fats, as well as blood cholesterol. Phyto-steroids can help keep estrogen from wreaking havoc on the reproductive system and can provide protection from cancers of the breast, ovaries and uterus.

A phytosterol called Beta-Sitosterol is really helpful for male prostate problems. Taking 300 milligrams a day can reduce the elargement, improve urine flow and help eliminate frequent urination. One of the most underappreciated of the phyto-steroids is called beta ecdysterone, a phytochemical. It’s a favorite of bodybuilders and gym rats around the world. In the 1980s, it was called the “Soviet secret” for the way it was used by the Russian weightlifting team to help them dominate their sport, but you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from beta ecdysterone. It’s readily available on the internet. 250 to 500 milligrams a day is a great daily dose for the elderly frail folks recovering from surgery and anyone who wants a little boost in strength energy and youthful vitality.