There’s a very important relationship between the biochemistry of stress and skin health via the hormone cortisol. Psychological duress can induce a wide range of skin health issues. Likewise, blue light from cell phones, poor sleep habits, bad food choices and nutritional deficiencies can all have impacts on skin stress hormone levels. This can in turn lead to dark spots dryness and skin sensitivities, thin skin, wrinkles, fine lines, oiliness and blemishes.

To address skin cortisol, leverage food and nutritional strategies, like calorie restriction, avoiding sugar and processed foods. Use supplements including magnesium, zinc, vitamin C&A and hormone precursors DHEA and pregnenolone. Also applying fat soluble vitamin C directly onto the skin can help mitigate the effects of cortisol. And nothing beats six to eight hours of beauty sleep for reducing cortisol, keeping skin youthful radiant healthy and gorgeous.