Like the heart and liver and lungs, the skin is an organ. It breathes and grows and detoxifies and performs countless biochemical reactions a second. Like any other organ in the body, it requires nutrition to be healthy. Yet when our skin is dry, broken out, damaged or not looking as good as it should, the first thing we want to do is put something on top of it, typically a concoction of wax, water, oil, an emulsifier, maybe a little active ingredient that we slide our finger over the cream or lotion we just apply.

The idea is that we’ve changed the condition of our skin, but we haven’t. All we’re feeling is product and our skin is just as unhealthy as it was before. This leads to frustration and accounts for our collective dissatisfaction with our body’s largest organ. Here’s the thing, no matter how dry, aged or damaged our skin is, it can be transformed dramatically and quickly if we change its health.

The skin is inherently beautiful and strong and hydrated if it has what it needs from the inside out. Quality fats and protein, vitamin A, zinc, and copper, among other nutrients, and from the outside in, vitamin A (as in retinol or retinol gassen), fat soluble vitamin C (not water-soluble ascorbic acid), as well as cholesterol, minerals and fruit hydroxy acids.