Topical vitamin A is one of the most important skincare ingredients you can use. It comes in various forms, and that can make knowing how to take advantage of its multiple potential benefits a confusing ordeal. Vitamin A comes in three main forms: retinol palmitate, which is mild and not very potent; retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin A, which is only available on a prescription; and the precursor form called “retinol”, which is converted by enzymes in the skin into active vitamin A.

So, if you’d rather not deal with the hassle of a prescription, but you’d still like healthy skin and youth-promoting effects of vitamin A, you will want to use retinol. It’s not as potent as retinoic acid, but it’s still strong.

You want to get your skin used to retinol gradually. Start off by applying your retinol product maybe once every 7 to 10 days or so, and work yourself into using it one or two times a week. By the time you’re on your third or fourth dose, you’re going to be noticing all the beautifying effects of this superstar active ingredient, including skin lightening and smoothing, the reversal and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles, and a softer bounce to your more youthful skin.