Of the major food groups, after proteins and carbs, it’s the dietary fats that create the most confusion. That’s because as unhealthy as they can be, in the right form, they’re also an incredibly important part of good health. The ketogenic diet, where a large percentage of daily calories comes from fat, has demonstrated scientifically verified benefits for over a hundred years.

Fats can be anti-pain and anti-inflammatory. They play a key role in mood, the health of the brain and the nerves. The cannabinoids, appreciated for millennia for their relaxing and calming properties, work their magic by virtue of their ability to interact with both dietary and bodily fats. Low-fat diets have been shown to have a negative effect on mood.

Bad fats are processed, heated and fried (especially deep fried). These days the most egregious fats are the artificial butters called “plant butters” that purport to be a health food, but in reality are essentially a glorified and rebranded version of margarine. Remember when that was considered a health food?

Because of their inherent instability, it’s important to enjoy fatty foods as pristine and unprocessed as possible. Avocados are good. I like soft-boiled, poached or even raw eggs. Sushi, eaten occasionally, contributes valuable fats, as does fresh whole real butter. Grains and seeds have good fats too, but they’re a little more reactive than some other fatty foods and gluten in grains, lectins and seeds can cause all kinds of health issues if you’re susceptible.