We live in a poisonous world. We breathe air that’s loaded with carbon monoxide, industrial pollutants like toluene, dioxin, asbestos, lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium. Our water isn’t much better and includes pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, fluoride, chlorine and reactants produced by interactions between these poisonous elements and waste matter that are even worse. Much of the foods we eat contain a molecular menagerie of pesticides, preservatives and flavor enhancing chemicals that add a further load to our already toxic bodies.

Right now there’s all manner of poisonous molecules stored in various parts of our bodies, especially in our fat cells. We may not even be aware of it. However, when we start a cleansing program or when we lose body fat, it’s inevitable that these substances will be released into our blood and lymph. When this happens, symptoms may start to show up, including fatigue, headache, strange aches and pains, skin rashes, diarrhea, brain fog and emotional distress. While these symptoms may be unavoidable, if you’re losing weight or starting a detoxification program, they can be minimized by:

1.) Using probiotics and fiber to support the elimination of poisons through the intestine,
2.) Dilution by making sure you’re drinking half to one gallon of clean filtered distilled water every day,
3.) Effective breathing strategies that can improve elimination of toxins through the breath and can have a calming effect by activating the parasympathetic or relaxation nervous system.