We all recognize the feeling of boredom. While there’s no universally agreed upon definition, we know what it is and we’ll do anything to avoid it. Thus the explosion in popularity of technologically driven distraction devices, like tablets, smartphones and smart tvs. But ironically, as all of these tools for beating the boar have become more and more widespread, at the same time more and more of us are dealing with the unpleasant experience.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 41 percent of Americans surveyed said that they frequently suffer through boredom, which the American psychological association describes as an inability to connect with the environment. That’s where the feelings of wonder come in. Being alive is an unlikely, incredible phenomena and even the dullest of lives is packed with color and sensation.
The next time you’re feeling bored, try diving deep into the physical details of life the infinite hues and shapes of the visual field, as well as its sounds, smells and textures. See if you can inhabit your body fully from the top of your scalp to the bottoms of your feet. Get curious about what exactly your body is and how it works. Marvel at the sun or the stars in the sky in space and contemplate their vastness. Revere their creation. It’s impossible to be amazed and bored at the same time and within moments you’ll be filled with a sense of awe that can dissolve even the most unshakable case of boredom.