Metformin is number 1 best selling drug for treating the number 3 most common cause of death in this country and that’s diabetes. I personally think it’s the number 1 cause of death, because of its association with the first two causes of death, cancer and heart disease.

As far as drugs go, Metformin has so few dramatic side effects, that doctors feel comfortable prescribing it. That does not mean it is without side effects, particularly digestive side effects.

Metformin works on the digestive system and the micro-biome. As it turns out, this is one of the major reasons people get diabetes. This connection between digestive health and blood sugar health is very very underappreciated.

This relationship can be highlighted by the fact that Metformin exerts its glucose stabilizing effects on the intestines. Metformin also works on the liver, to suppress it’s production of glucose. It does this, of course, not by kindly and gently asking the liver to reduce glucose, but by poisoning an enzyme system that’s responsible for the production of a blood sugar.

With diabetes and messed up blood sugar, this to me is a particularly egregious strategy for dealing with the problem (taking drugs), because diabetes is a lifestyle issue, make no mistake about it. You can avoid diabetes simply with lifestyle. You can avoid taking drugs simply with lifestyle.