We live in a universe of electricity and biological systems including the human body, which are only as vital as they are electrical. The electrical charges that are responsible for the health and vitality of our bodies are referred to as bioelectricity and are generated by the interactions of various biochemicals and fluids in combination with inhaled oxygen, as well as muscular movement.

Thus the importance of enjoying good nutrition, drinking clean water, correct breathing techniques and regular exercise for good health and longevity. While all the cells and organs of the body depend on bioelectricity, the most dramatic example shows up in the nervous system.

In the brain, this bioelectrical energy is emitted in pulse like waves which can be detected and recorded by an electroencephalogram or EEG. These waves come in five main forms or frequencies, from slowest to fastest called delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma waves, each linked to specific ways of being.

Delta brain waves are connected to deep sleep, alpha waves with relaxation and suggestibility, theta with dreaming and imagination, beta with day-to-day problem solving and gamma, the fastest of the brain waves, is associated with intense focus. While most of us allow brain waves to occur spontaneously, there are ways we can turn each one on voluntarily to achieve specific goals and generally improve our quality of life. In our next Moment of Truth, we’ll talk about the specifics of intentional brainwave activation.