We’ve spent the last few days talking about the very important distinction between watery nutrients or hydrophilics and fatty or lipophilic ones. Hydrophilics are fast acting and eliminated from the body rapidly, while fats have a more long-lasting quality that require lots of biochemistry to process. “Water quick, Fats stick”, as we used to say in pharmacy school.

Lipophilics are also more complicated and can get turned into lots of important fatty molecules naturally and synthetically that have therapeutic and healing qualities. One of these fatty substances is acetyl myristoliate, a naturally occurring chemical sometimes called “CMO”. A derivative of omega-9 fatty acids found in olives, nuts, peanuts, safflower oil and beef, CMO lubricates the joints of human arthritis sufferers, as well as their pets. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and immune modulating effects that can make it helpful for folks dealing with autoimmune diseases, but most impressive are “acetylmy restorates” anti-pain benefits.

It works to alleviate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, lupus and it can be applied directly to achy joints and muscles for near immediate and sometimes dramatic pain relief. It can be taken as oral capsules too.

For maximum pain relieving benefits, apply CMO topically and use a gram or two orally. For best results, take with meals and digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Don’t worry about using too much. CMO is non-toxic and, with the exception of an occasional digestive upset, it’s side effect free.