If you’re looking for an anti-aging supplement you might want to consider something called DHEA. It’s an adrenal hormone that’s derived from cholesterol. It’s really very similar to the much-maligned molecule, and it’s an immune booster that helps the body handle stress.

It’s also helpful for sugar metabolism and for building muscle. As we age, the ability to produce enough DHEA becomes compromised and many people notice increased vigor as well as better immunity and weight loss when they start supplementing with this really important molecule. DHEA is as close to a youth promoting magical supplement as you can get and it’s pretty gentle, but it’s still a hormone and you should use it carefully.

If you take too much, your skin may get oily or you may start breaking out. You may notice extra hair growth on the body or hair loss on the head. If that happens, reduce your dose or discontinue. You can also use a derivative of DHEA called 7th keto DHEA, which has fewer side effects, although it is pricier.