I was watching a video of a physician talking about Alzheimer’s disease yesterday and, as I was listening, I heard something that caught my attention. In the good doctor’s opinion, Alzheimer’s disease begins for many Americans by the age of 27. What he was referring to is the fact that, for many people, the brain starts to deteriorate early in life. This is not only true about our brain, it’s true about the whole body. Understanding this concept of deterioration is the key to preventing and even reversing the signs of, not just Alzheimer’s disease, but all forms of dementia and cognitive decline, as well as the symptoms of chronic illness anywhere in the body.

Alzheimer’s disease is the result of deterioration of the brain, just as all degenerative diseases are a result of deterioration of the body stuff, or tissue. It doesn’t really matter if the breakdown is in the joints or the brain or the liver, intestines, skin or anywhere else. Deterioration is deterioration. Where it occurs is irrelevant from the perspective of correcting it. Deterioration of tissue follows toxicity, malnourishment and low blood oxygen.

Thus, it is important to eat cleanly and avoid food toxins and sugar. Staying away from smoking, drugs and other nasty chemicals, including fluoridated water. Get on a good nutritional supplement program and practicing healthy breathing techniques. Don’t over think it. That’s how simple health can be. When you add in a little exercise and a lot of rest and relaxation, all health challenges, no matter how and where they show up, including the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, will inevitably begin to improve.