Breakfast is the most important meal of the day … TO SKIP!

Ben discusses a variety of fasting and calorie restriction advantages and strategies.

Ben reveals many fascinating benefits to fasting including the following.

– Calorie restriction is linked to longevity, contributing to lower rates of all inflammation related disease.
– Fasting is a natural Beta Blocker, a natural Calcium channel blocker, natural blood thinner and a natural statin drug.
– Fasting improves healing of the skin as well as blood vessels. Fasting stimulates collagen production.

“Fasting can proceed the elimination diet, to allow you to assess what your health issues may be.”

How do you fast? Stop Eating!! Beyond that, Ben provides a variety of good ideas to help fast successfully, including advantages to using SueroViv.

Ben also provides details on the Keto diet, “a fasting diet for people who can’t fast”. Ben explains that the keto diet was originally developed to produce ketones to treat seizure disorders.