Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. One of the most important aspects of the pathology is atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. There’s lots of reasons this occurs, including nutritional deficiencies and associated defects in blood vessel structure, elevated blood sugar, as well as the presence of inflammatory factors in the blood. One of the most important and underappreciated causes of atherosclerosis is fluoride, which acts to disrupt calcium balance in cells and can lead to accumulation of a hardening element in the circulatory vessels.

In cities where people consume fluoridated water, the incidence of calcification of arteries is higher than in other areas. In aluminum factories, fluoride poisoning is linked to incidence of atherosclerosis in metal workers. If you’ve been diagnosed with hardening of the arteries or if you want to make sure that you’re not, you might want to avoid drinking tap water with fluoride or use a water filter. Distillation removes fluoride. So, drinking distilled is a good idea. It is probably smart to use non fluoridated toothpaste. The minerals iodine, selenium and boron can support fluoride detoxification and using collagen building nutrients like glucoseamine, Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid can help keep arterial vessels elastic and flexible reducing the hardening effects of fluoride induced calcification.