In the United States, nearly one out of four people suffer from debilitating osteoarthritis, a degenerative condition where the joints protective and cushioning cartilage deteriorates, both as a result of and as a cause of inflammation. The issue is a wear and tear condition exacerbated by nutritional deficiencies and a sedentary lifestyle.

Recently it’s been shown this serious relief can be obtained from savory New Zealand green mussels. The Maori people, New Zealand’s indigenous natives, believe that eating green mussels on a regular basis is a key to a healthy long life. Indeed, arthritis is unheard of among the coastal dwelling Maori.

With a briny ocean flavor and a slightly sweet rich taste, the ocean delicacy is a nutritional powerhouse packed with protein and minerals like iron, selenium, zinc and iodine. Green mussels are also a source of an anti-arthritic substance called G.A.G., a hyaluronic acid like molecule that can help trap water and plump up flimsy deteriorating joint cartilage. Green mussels contains something called eicosatetraenoic acid or ETA, which is one of nature’s strongest anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic nutrients.

While eating green mussels is a delicious way to get your ETA, you can also purchase green mussel oil capsules, made by various companies and readily available on the internet. Green mussel oil is non-toxic and without side effects. Start off with 150 to 300 milligrams a day and look for a cold-pressed product as heat processing can reduce the effectiveness of ETA.