Veggies and fruits are among nature’s best sources of antioxidants, a complete and diverse blend of vitamins, minerals and potent plant pigments. They also contain phytonutrients that are impossible to find in any other foods, but because they’re mostly water, you’ve got to eat a lot to get significant nutrient value.
That’s why I am in love with my Vitamix, a super high powered blender that can turn 16 ounces of distilled water and a pound of mixed fruits and vegetables into a delicious juice, that can be put into a bottle and enjoyed all day long. The secret to the effectiveness of a Vitamix blender is in its magnificent motor. The one in the version I have is 3.8 horsepower, about the same as a rotary lawnmower.
This allows the handy kitchen device to pulverize produce and pretty much anything edible into a potable and smooth, easy to ingest beverage and that includes ordinarily inedible and unpalatable components of produce, like the pith and the peels, which contain boat loads of medicinal and therapeutic value. Citrus skins and seeds are particularly beneficial as sources of antimicrobial, anti cancer and other immune boosting molecules.
Most importantly, unlike ordinary juice, when you blend your beverage with a Vitamix, you keep all the fiber, which not only provides important digestive health benefits, but also slows down the release of sugar, making enjoying refreshing fruit juice as helpful as eating whole fruits themselves.