We all want great skin. The problem is that we are inundated with so many products and ingredients, it is hard to know what we’re supposed to do to keep our skin healthy and beautiful. The biggest problem is the misleading look of the body’s largest organ.

As it turns out, despite its homogeneous appearance, the skin is actually made up of multiple distinct layers; three major ones and a bunch more in between those. The surface is a microscopically thin, hard, waxy, fingernail-like film. It’s a barrier to water and water-soluble ingredients. Living cells are way underneath it, and therein lies the problem. In order for an ingredient to really work, to change the skin, you need to somehow activate those deeply located living cells.

This is why retinol and fatty vitamin C are so important. Not only do both have the prerequisite fatty forms to allow them to penetrate through the hard skin surface, but – even more importantly – skin cells are receptive to both. Skin cells lock onto these two molecules upon topical application. That means you can put fatty vitamin C and retinol on the surface of the skin and over time they’ll migrate to the lower levels where cells reside, supporting them, activating them and protecting them to help keep the entire skin structure smooth, soft, hydrated, healthier and more beautiful.