It’s a component of food. It’s a dietary supplement. It’s one of the most important and multi-functional biochemicals in our bodies. It’s called “lecithin”. In addition to being found in eggs, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, fish, organ meats, among other foods, it’s a component of many digestive aid formulas. It’s one of the most important substances you can use for the brain and for the nervous system, as well as for bile and liver health.

Lecithin forms a key part of a cell’s membrane, especially nerve cells. This makes supplementing an important strategy for brain health, preventing or improving the symptoms of dementia, as well as MS, Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. It helps the body digest fats. So, if you have mal-absorption issues, fatty liver disease or a gallbladder missing, taking lecithin capsules, oil or powder with meals can be helpful.

Lecithin is also good for skin health. Taking lecithin daily with food can help you absorb vitamins and essential fats, which are critical for skin hydration and health. It works topically too. It’s a favorite of skin care chemists. I use lecithin as a natural emulsifier to help ingredients penetrate through the skin surface. When it’s blended with water-soluble ingredients like the B vitamins peptides, it forms a fatty bubble around them called a liposome. This helps improve their penetration through the hearty skin surface to the lower viable cells located below.