We Americans are largely overweight, many of us obese. Too much fat is linked to every degenerative illness known to man. Excess poundage is behind heart disease, cancer and diabetes, the three leading causes of our death. That’s why, if you want a long vibrant life, the most important measure you can take and the key to the reversal of disease lies in developing an intelligent and strategic relationship to food.

Intermittent fasting, that is going without food for a day or even two, every few weeks can help. So can calorie restrictions. Simply enjoying less. One of the most important anti-aging and general health benefits of a reduced calorie intake is improved sensitivity of an appetite suppressant hormone called “leptin”, a biochemical made in body fat.

As we reduce our caloric intake, we become more responsive to leptin. That means we’re fuller faster and we eat less food. Improving leptin sensitivity and decreasing its blood levels has also been shown to reduce the risks of cancer.

There are lots of ways to enhance the body’s responsiveness to leptin including regular exercise, maintaining good sleep habits and leveraging the ketogenic diet. Quality fats, especially omega-3s from fish and flax, support leptin. So can taking cold showers. According to an article in the journal of the public library of science, acute exposure to low temperatures decreases total leptin levels and improves the body’s sensitivity to the satiety hormone.