Ben explains that the most important part of the phrase “Macular Degeneration” is “Degeneration”. “Macular degeneration is when the center part of the eye, the part we use the most, degenerates. Macular degeneration is a serious problem. It effects maybe 1-2 million people in this country. The rates are rising and it’s the leading cause of age related blindness. There’s two types of macular degeneration. There’s “wet macular degeneration” and “dry macular degeneration”. The “wet” referrs to the fact that there is some fluid and there is some bleeding. It tends to be a little bit more acute and more dangerous. The dry form is a little bit more gradual, but either way, you are looking at the degeneration of the cells in the macula.”

“So, what do you do? Well, you do the same thing that you do for any degeneration. First things first. The macula is largely composed of pigments which are fatty … focus on fats and fat absorption. That means any nutritional supplements that help you absorb fats, things like lecithin, bile salts, digestive enzymes.”