Ironically and unfortunately these days, getting to the gym may be easier said than done, with many states mandating closures. Not to worry! You can use the following exercises to get a workout at home that’s almost as good as anything you can do at the gym.

For strengthening triceps, upper back and shoulders, find an arm chair and from a seated position. Grab the armrests, lift yourself up slowly and lower yourself back down also slowly, making sure your feet stay flat on the floor. Next you can do prone rows, by lying face down on your bed or a bench and, with arms extended over the side, while holding a gallon jug of water, flex your elbow and contract your shoulders, as you lift the jug. First do your right arm, then your left and you’ll be building upper back muscles as well as shoulders.

For butt and hamstrings, I like wall sets. Start by leaning against a wall, bending your knees and gradually lowering your back until you’re as close to a seated position as possible. Hold for two or three seconds and then carefully raise yourself back up. For chest and abs, nothing beats good old push-ups. Do them slowly, going all the way up, locking elbows and lowering your body, until your chin touches the floor, making sure to contract your abdominal muscles, as you go up and down. Try to do all three exercises three or four times a week and if you do three sets of each the whole routine will take you less than 20 minutes.