While it’s undeniably cheap, readily available, handy and easy to use, the incredible amount of plastic that’s manufactured every year has made it one of the most problematic substances ever produced. Originally invented as Bakelite in 1907, named after its inventor Leo Baekeland, the word “plastic”, derived from the Greek term “plastikos”, meaning to mold or shape, began to be used by consumers in the 1930s.

Today it’s hard to imagine a world without plastic. With 300 million tons of the stuff used every year. Aside from the disposal issue, plastic pollutants are a major source of environmental stress and can take centuries to break down. The modern day polymer also contains numerous hormone mimicking chemicals that distort male and female reproductive biochemistry. These include bisphenol A and phthalates, which can enter into foods that are stored or covered in plastic, especially when they’re heated.

This is why you should never cook in plastic wear. Microwave ovens, which generate powerful frequencies that rapidly release these toxic chemicals are especially troublesome. Just leaving plastic covered food or drink in the Sun can induce the release of these gender-bending hormone disruptors.

Even worse, unbeknownst to the consumer, there are hidden sources of plastic poisons that can contaminate foods during factory manufacturing and home preparation, including canned foods with plastic linings, tea bags and ready-to-eat meals in plastic packaging.