When most people consider hormone therapy, they’re usually thinking about prescription estrogen and testosterone. These two powerful bio chemicals come complete with toxicity and side effects, even if they can sometimes improve symptoms associated with aging. But if you’d like to benefit from hormone replacement, and you don’t want to deal with a script or toxicity, you might want to consider progesterone.

The underappreciated hormone is available over-the-counter, has remarkable feel-good benefits, and the only likely side effect you may experience if you use too much is a little fatigue. That’s because, unlike prescription hormones, progesterone has a relaxing effect. In fact, the calming properties of progesterone make it an ideal companion to take with estrogen and testosterone both of which can cause nervousness and anxiety.

Progesterone, which is useful for both men and women, improves muscle development and bone strength, fertility and libido, and supports weight loss and healthy blood sugar. It’s therapeutic for ladies dealing with PMS, fibroids, cramps, other menstrual issues for women and menopause. It can help reduce hot flashes too. You can get progesterone in capsules, but I like progesterone cream or topical liquid, which are readily and inexpensively available on the Internet. Look for two to ten percent strength, make sure the ingredients say “real bioidentical progesterone”, and a good dose should cost you a dollar a day or les