There’s nothing like a smile to make you feel welcomed and accepted, and even loved. It turns out there are neurochemical reasons for that. The act of smiling activates nerve cells and turns on the production of the brain’s bio-chemicals of happiness. As well as good health, oxytocin, dopamine, endorphins and serotonin are all released when a smile flashes across our faces.

The very same brain chemicals that are released when we eat sugar, fall in love, have an orgasm, complete a project or are just relaxed and content… You don’t even need to be in a good mood to take advantage of smile induced wellness chemistry. Just holding your mouth upward in a smiling position can turn on your happy hormones.

Of course smiling makes you look more beautiful and attractive too. By the way a good smile for the camera has a forward greeting effect. To do it right, pull in your lower jaw and your upper jaw outwards and try to lift up your facial muscles and learn to make your eyes happy. When you’re feeling good you’re not only smiling with your face you’re smiling with your eyes too.