In the same way that the sun is the energy center of the planet, each of us, in the center of our bodies, contain an analogous energy distributing structure called the solar plexus. A complex of nerves that are responsible for regulating the activity of the digestive tract, as well as the liver and kidneys, the solar plexus also plays a major role in adrenal functioning and the stress response.

If you’ve ever felt a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach in response to hearing bad news, that’s the solar plexus. Spiritual practitioners regard this complex, also known as the celiac plexus, as the seat of emotions. They tell us that, in addition to fear, sensations of worry, excitement and anxiety are concentrated in this area. Even love has a connection to the solar plexus and is sometimes experienced as a feeling of butterflies. Perhaps this is why it’s said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

The most important strategy for keeping the solar plexus relaxed and functioning optimally is breathing deeply. It is the depth of the inhalation that counts and, when breathing correctly, the belly should be expanded as air is inhaled and pulled inward with exhalation. This will assure sufficient oxygenation to relax the solar plexus and help, as a bonus, to strengthen the abdominal muscles and core. For maximum benefits, place focused attention on the center of your body as you’re breathing.