Of all the mythologies about food and diet perhaps none is more misunderstood harmful and incorrect than the idea of a high protein low carb way of eating espoused by the paleo and Atkins diet crowd. While it’s true that refined carbohydrates and boxed cereals, breads, sweets, snacks and other processed foods have very little to do with wellness, the unprocessed carbs and fiber found in veggies and fruits play an important role in metabolic and digestive health.

We minimize intake of these nutrient-dense foods at our own risk. Even worse, many people indulging in high protein diets get their calories from chemical-laden animal products, as well as processed meats that are sources of cancer-causing pro-inflammatory fats, nitrates, hormones and antibiotics.

This is not to say that protein-rich foods are not valuable, because they are very. It’s just that to rely on them for the bulk of our calories can deprive us of important plant nutrients and pigments, as well as enzymes that are found in whole produce and play a key role in biochemical stress management and detoxification.

Carbohydrates are also metabolic precursors to important brain chemicals like serotonin and melatonin that are essential for producing pleasure and calming, as well as sleep and regeneration. Best bet is balanced eating, including moderate amounts of protein packed foods, quality fats from seafood, eggs and butter, small amounts of legumes, seeds and fruits and abundant veggies, especially high protein ones like mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.