While the masses and modern medicine are convinced that bacteria, viruses and other microscopic creatures are a the root of disease, and the idea has entrenched itself in the culture as accepted fact, there are those who are not so sure. An alternative belief argues that sickness is actually the end result of changes in the internal bodily environment called “the terrain”.

Terrain theory holds that microscopic life forms, that are observed in the blood of those who are ill, are the result of unhealthy changes in the bodies of those who exhibit signs of disease, rather than their cause. According to terrain theory proponents, microbial infections are opportunistic. Their proliferation and subsequent infection requires an opportunity presented by a weak body and it is the strength and resilience of the life force inherent in the victim of the disease that is the determining factor in whether and how illness shows up and the patients ability to heal and recover.

Terrain theory removes blame from infectious illness from outside forces and places responsibility for its manifestation, as well as its elimination, squarely on the patient, stating that “it is not the microbes that themselves that produce disease, but rather how they interact with cellular chemistry and that, if the metabolism of the body is balanced and healthy, it will not be susceptible to disease, infectious or otherwise.

Something to think about in this historic, chaotic and corona crazy time we are all living in.