Tom Petty reminded us that “the waiting is the hardest part” and we humans sure do hate to wait. Still, we all have to do it. While impatience is normal, scientist from the University of California have shown that certain personality types are better at waiting things out than others.

As it turns out, there’s an important relationship (not surprisingly) between having a good perspective on life in general and the ability to handle waiting periods. Researchers found that study participants who had an optimistic attitude and we’re comfortable with uncertainty, had an easier time waiting.

Next time you find yourself induing a waiting mode, to make the experience less uncomfortable, try experimenting with a mindfulness practice that can help minimize the effects of obsessing over outcomes. Mindfulness emphasizes paying close attention to negativity, unpleasant thinking and emotions, which allows for the acceptance of stressful thoughts and feelings, without being driven by them.

Another tip is to know, or at least believe, that you could handle whatever outcome shows up at the end of your wait. This will alleviate the stress and worry over an anticipated lousy end. Don’t forget to find something to be grateful for no matter what the conclusion of your wait may reveal. Instead of worrying about outcomes appreciate what you already have and know that, no matter what shows up, there’s usually a silver lining to every cloud.