Heartburn affects up to 50 percent of Americans at one time or another. Fifteen million people suffer from it every day. While it’s not considered a serious condition, the burning feeling of the chest and the throat, and the awful hot sour acid taste can be a miserable experience. If it shows up once in a while, that may not be a big deal, but when it manifests chronically, it’s diagnosed as a disease called GERD.

GERD can be a serious condition that can ultimately kill you. GERD can be a cause of throat and respiratory problems and include hoarseness, coughs, breathing difficulties and asthma. It can even lead to cancer. Every year thousands of people die from GERD associated complications.

The best way to treat heartburn drug-lessly, whether occasional or chronic, is to avoid problem foods, work on digestive health, keep track of what you eat in a food journal and see if you notice triggers. Processed starches, sugars and cereals are especially problematic, likewise caffeine and alcohol. Because large quantities of food can trigger heartburn, enjoy smaller meals and portions. Probiotics, digestive enzymes, betaine HCL and taking a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar with meals can help. Apples are a great source of acid absorbing pectin. For some folks enjoying one an hour or so after meals can cause a significant reduction in the incidence of reflux.