While not often considered as such, the mind is integrated with the body into a unified mind/body whole. One cannot exist without the other. The neurological link between the mind and the body is called the “autonomic” or “involuntary nervous system”. It is this complex of nerves that’s responsible for various ordinarily unconscious bodily processes, including blood pressure, the functions of the thyroid, adrenals and kidney, digestion, breathing and heart rate.

The autonomic nervous system directs nerve stimulation to either prepare for battle or for relaxation. Surprise surprise! All chronic illness is preceded and marked by a body that’s prepared for battle. It’s out of ease or “dis-eased”. The key to reversing all the symptoms of chronic illness or “dis-ease” is to learn to activate the relaxation or ease division of the autonomic nervous system, which is controlled by the vagus nerve.

The quickest and fastest way to activate the vagus nerve and to set the body back into ease is to practice slow deep rhythmic breathing. Breathe in and out through the nose for five to 10 seconds each way, activate the diaphragm by breathing deeply into the belly, and try to maintain a nice steady rhythm. Within seconds, you’re gonna start to feel relaxed. Over time your blood pressure will drop, digestion will improve, you’ll have more energy and an improved sense of well-being. You might be adding years to your life.