As wounds heal nutritional deficiencies can affect skin biochemistry leading to the formation of scars, keloids and skin darkening. Some important supplements to try for healthy skin healing include zinc, copper and fulvic minerals, as well as vitamin C, A and D. It’s a good idea to use essential fatty acids too. You can also eat to support the healing of skin traumas. Bone broth is probably the most powerful of skin renewal foods, eggs are loaded with wound healing substances including amino acids and peptides.

Likewise organ meats, seafood and veggies, especially fibery ones like celery and broccoli, are a source of silica, which plays a key part in the formation of new skin tissue. From a topical perspective make sure you’re using fat soluble vitamin C. Aloe vera can help too, and once the healing process is nearly over, you can use retinol and alpha hydroxy acids to complete the process.