Viral infections don’t effect everyone. While offending agents are everywhere, some folks seem to be less susceptible to attack than others. Interestingly, men are more likely to be effected than women. Researchers believe that this may be indicative of the immune activating properties of the female hormone estrogen.

While mostly regarded as a reproductive biochemical, as it turns out, estrogen plays a much more complex role in human health. Its immune activating properties have a dark side. Ladies are almost ten times more likely to suffer from autoimmune diseases than guys.

Estrogen is an adrenal activator that is associated with the biology of stress. An out of control stress response can be lurking behind anxiety, depression, nervousness and insomnia, as well as infertility and the unpleasant symptoms of PMS.

These days, excessive estrogenic activity can be caused by foreign chemicals, that are structured like the hormone, so called xeno estrogens. In addition to being found in plastics, fertilizers, dairy products, medications, sunscreens and cosmetic additives, there are foods that naturally contain these estrogen like substances, including legumes, rice, potatoes, beer, turnips and yeast.

One of the best ways to avoid or at least reduce the symptoms of exposure to xeno estrogens is to use progesterone, estrogen’s balancing hormonal cousin. Unlike estrogen, progesterone is non-toxic and can have an almost immediate relaxation and anti-stress effect.

The best way to use progesterone is in topical creams and serums, which are readily available in health food stores and on the internet.