Everyone needs some sweetness in their lives, but the problem is most of us get way too much, at least in terms of what we’re ingesting. The average American indulges in over 150 pounds of processed sugar every year and another 20 to 30 pounds of high fructose corn syrup. The problem with sugar (at least one of them) is it’s addictive quality. Because it’s so quickly processed and linked to brain pleasure chemistry, it’s easy to get hooked and eat too much. With their easy access and inexpensive cost, sweeteners, in their various forms, have cemented their place in our lives as a simple enjoyment that anyone can afford.

Anytime you’re looking for sugar, but want the nutritional value to go with it, look no further than the sweet potato. The root veggies sometimes called “yams” are not only a cornucopia of nutrition, featuring beta-carotene, B vitamins and electrolytes, as well as natural plant steroids and antioxidants, they’re also delightfully sweet. Cook them with butter or add a few slices to your favorite smoothie or just slice them up and enjoy raw. Try mixing them with cinnamon to increase nutritional value and bump up the flavor.